sloth pattern
Abbreviations Sc = Single Crochet Inc = Increase MR = magic ring ch= chain R = Round Dec = Invisible Decrease slst = slip stitch sts = stitches hdc = half double crochet dc = double crochet tr = treble crochet flo = front loops only blo = back loops only Fo = Fasten off {} = all the stitches in the brackets are worked in the same stitch Materials brown, tan, and dark brown yarn stuffing polyfil pellets (optional, but helpful!) 12 mm eyes face with tan: ch7 R1 inc 3sc {3sc} 4sc (13) R2 2inc 3sc 3inc 3sc inc (18) R3 (inc sc) x2 3sc (inc sc) x3 3sc inc sc (24) R4 (inc 2sc) x2 3sc (inc 2sc) x3 3sc inc 2sc (30) R5 (inc 3sc) x2 3sc (inc 3sc) x3 3sc inc 3sc (36) slst Fo eye patches x2 with dark brown: ch8 R1 tr dc hdc sc slst fo Head and body with brown yarn: R1 6 sc in MR (6) R2 inc x6 (12) R3 inc sc x6 (18) R4 inc 2sc x6 (24) R5 inc 3sc x6(30) R6 inc 4sc x6 (36) R7-18 36 sc (36) R19 Flo (5 sc inc) x6 (42) R20 42 sc (42) R21 6 sc inc x 6 (48) R22 48 sc (48)