
Showing posts from September, 2024

Coil and Crochet Plarn Bag Pattern

Abbreviations    MR = magic ring r = round sc = single crochet inc = increase Blo = back loops only ch = chain sk = skip sts = stitches slst = slip stitch dc = double crochet rpt = repeat  FO = Fasten off Notes After round one, add the Plarn and just crochet around it until you make the straps. If you are having trouble figuring it out here's a helpful tutorial. when you cut your plastic bags, cut it in a spiral strip, about an inch thick.   Materials  bag color yarn (i doubled up one thin, and one regular sized yarn.) Lots of plastic grocery bags Bag R1: 6sc MR (6) add plarn R2: inc x6 (12) R3: inc sc x6 (18) R4: inc 2sc x6 (24) R5: inc 3sc x6 (30) R6: inc 4sc x6 (36) R7: inc 5sc x6 (42) R8: inc 6sc x6 (48) R9: inc 7sc x6 (54) R10: inc 8sc x6 (60) R11: inc 9sc x6 (66) R12: inc 10sc x6 (72) R13: inc 11sc x6 (78) R14: inc 12sc x6 (84) R15: inc 13sc x6 (90) R16: inc 14sc x6 (96) R17: inc 15sc x6 (102) R18: BLO 102 sc (102) R19-33: 102 sc (102) cut off plarn Ch57...

Mesh Bag Pattern

Abbreviations    Ch = chain r = round dc = double crochet sc = single crochet sk =skip st = stitch slst = slip stitch Fo = Fasten off Materials  bag color Yarn (I used thin yarn, so I doubled it up on the base and top.) Bag with bag color(s):   Ch 38 R1 36 dc on both sides of ch (72) R2-7 72sc (72) R8-13 36 ch2 dc sk 1 st (72) R14 ch1 72dc (72) R15-20 72sc (72) Slst, ch 50, sk 29 sts, slst, sc across ch, 6sc, ch 50, sk 29sts, slst sc across ch  FO Thanks for making!

no sew macaron pattern

Abbreviations     MR = Magic Ring Sc = Single Crochet Inc = Increase R = Round Dec = decrease bp = back post Fo = Fasten off Materials  filling yarn, and macaron shell Yarn Stuffing With shell color: R1: 6sc in MR (6) R2: inc (12) R3: inc sc (18) R4: inc 2sc (24) R5-6: sc (24) with Filling color: R7: bp hdc (24) with Shell color R8: Flo sc R9: bp sc R10: sc R11: 2sc dec R12: sc dec  R14: dec FO Thanks for making!

Mini Whale pattern

  Abbreviations Sc = Single Crochet MR = magic ring Inc = Increase hdc = half double crochet ch= chain R = Round Dec = Invisible Decrease slst = slip stitch Fo = Fasten off * = ch3 2 hdc Materials  White, whale colored yarn (I used estako velvet from Amazon, and just chenille from dollar tree.) Stuffing 8mm Safety Eyes black embroidery floss (if you'd like a smile) whale with whale color: R1 6 sc in MR (6) (if you are using fluffy yarn, you may need to ch2 and 6sc in the chain instead) R2 inc x6 (12) R3 inc sc x6 (18) R4 18 sc (18) R5 2 sc * slst * 6 sc * 8sc * 2 sc (18) change to white insert eyes between rounds 3 & 4, 2 stitches apart R6 sc Dec x6 (12) add stuffing R7 Dec x6 (6) Fo embroider smile centered between the eyes 1 round down. Thanks for making!

Low Sew Flip Octopus Pattern

  Abbreviations     ch = chain Inc = increase Sc = Single Crochet R = Round Fo = Fasten off MR = magic ring slst = slip stitch tr = treble crochet Materials  black, and 2 octopus colors of yarn black yarn for a smile 10 mm Safety Eyes (use bigger if you are using bigger yarn) Octopus make 2, the first with Color 1, the second with color 2. R1 6 sc MR (6) R2 inc x6 (12) R3 inc sc x6 (18) R4 inc 2sc x6 (24) R5 inc 3sc x6 (30) R6 inc 4sc x6 (36) R7 inc 5sc x6 (42) R8-13 42 sc (42) slst FO once you have made both halves, insert saftey eyes between rounds 8 + 9,  with 6 stitches between them. stitch the smile rounds 10 + 11  across 4 stitches.      repeat on other octopus. stitch the two halves together. with both colors, insert your hook where both sides are sewn together,  slst ch3 2 tr ch3 2 slst x 8 fo  (it's fine if there is stitches left.) That's it! Thanks for making!

Low sew Duck pattern

  Abbreviations     MR = Magic Ring hdc = half double crochet tr = treble crochet  Sc = Single Crochet Inc = Increase R = Round Dec = Invisible Decrease flo = front loops only blo = back loops only Fo = Fasten off Materials  yellow and orange yarn 10 mm Safety Eyes stuffing Duck with yellow: R1 6 sc in MR (6) R2 inc x6 (12) R3 inc sc x6 (18) R4 inc 2sc x6 (24) R5 24 sc (24) R6 3sc inc x6 (30) R7-8 30sc (30) R9 5sc, flo ch2 3tr ch2, 10sc, flo ch2 3tr ch2, 9sc (30) R10-11 30sc (30) R12 10sc, blo 3sc, 2sc, blo 3sc, 12sc (30) with orange yarn: on the front loops of feet area, ch1 hdc dc hdc slst do the same thing on the other area. insert the eyes between R5-6, 6sts apart R13 3sc dec x6 (24) R14 2sc dec x6 (18) add stuffing R15 sc dec x6 (12) R16 dec x6 (6) Fo beak with orange: ch5 R1-3 3hdc ch1 turn R3 3hdc Fo fold beak in half, and sew on one round down centered between the eyes. Thanks for making!